The mediterranean Diet cookbook

Table of Contents


What is the Mediterranean diet?

Nutrients in the Mediterranean diet

Health Benefits of the Mediterranean diet

Key Ingredients of the Mediterranean Diet

Shopping List for the Mediterranean Diet

Rules for Sticking To the Mediterranean Diet


Egg Muffins


Avocado Toast with Cream Cheese

Mediterranean Egg Casserole

Spinach, Tomato, and Feta Scrambled Eggs

Quinoa with Berries


Mediterranean Breakfast Quinoa

Spinach and Feta Egg Wrap

Fig and Ricotta Toast


Mediterranean Cucumber Tomato Salad

Greek Salad

White Bean Salad

Mediterranean Couscous Salad

Baked Parmesan Zucchini

Fish Sticks


Roasted Tomato and Basil Soup

Mediterranean Tuna Salad

Italian Baked Chicken

Stuffed Champignon Mushrooms

Prosciutto and Arugula Pizza

Chicken and Spinach Pasta

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Penne with Shrimp


Greek Red Lentil Soup

Salmon Soup

Greek Black Eyed Peas

Baked Cod with Garlic and Lemon

Greek Chicken Souvlaki

Grilled Swordfish

Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Greek Cauliflower Rice Bowls with Chicken

Chicken Parmesan Pasta

Mediterranean Chicken and Chickpea Soup

Chicken Piccata

Greek Turkey Burgers

Greek Chicken Soup with Lemon

Shrimp Spaghetti

Tuna Patties


Balsamic Berries with Honey Yogurt

Yogurt and Honey Olive Oil Cake

Apple and Nuts with Whipped Yogurt

Whole Grain Muffins with Citrus and Olive Oil

Baked Pears with Maple and Vanilla

Chocolate Mousse with Greek Yogurt

Strawberry Popsicles

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Chocolate and Avocado Pudding

Matcha and Blueberry CrispConclusion

Table of Contents


What is the Mediterranean diet?

Nutrients in the Mediterranean diet

Health Benefits of the Mediterranean diet

Key Ingredients of the Mediterranean Diet

Shopping List for the Mediterranean Diet

Rules for Sticking To the Mediterranean Diet


Egg Muffins


Avocado Toast with Cream Cheese

Mediterranean Egg Casserole

Spinach, Tomato, and Feta Scrambled Eggs

Quinoa with Berries


Mediterranean Breakfast Quinoa

Spinach and Feta Egg Wrap

Fig and Ricotta Toast


Mediterranean Cucumber Tomato Salad

Greek Salad

White Bean Salad

Mediterranean Couscous Salad

Baked Parmesan Zucchini

Fish Sticks


Roasted Tomato and Basil Soup

Mediterranean Tuna Salad

Italian Baked Chicken

Stuffed Champignon Mushrooms

Prosciutto and Arugula Pizza

Chicken and Spinach Pasta

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Penne with Shrimp


Greek Red Lentil Soup

Salmon Soup

Greek Black Eyed Peas

Baked Cod with Garlic and Lemon

Greek Chicken Souvlaki

Grilled Swordfish

Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Greek Cauliflower Rice Bowls with Chicken

Chicken Parmesan Pasta

Mediterranean Chicken and Chickpea Soup

Chicken Piccata

Greek Turkey Burgers

Greek Chicken Soup with Lemon

Shrimp Spaghetti

Tuna Patties


Balsamic Berries with Honey Yogurt

Yogurt and Honey Olive Oil Cake

Apple and Nuts with Whipped Yogurt

Whole Grain Muffins with Citrus and Olive Oil

Baked Pears with Maple and Vanilla

Chocolate Mousse with Greek Yogurt

Strawberry Popsicles

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Chocolate and Avocado Pudding

Matcha and Blueberry Crisp




 oes your current lifestyle leave you feeling unhealthy and tired? Many studies say that the current generation is living their lives at health risks. Stress, overwork, isolated, and junk food-driven environments have pushed many of us to early health problems. We need to stay in the present and give our health the highest priority rather than sacrificing it for an unpredictable future. Mediterranean diet and lifestyle will help you with that.

The Mediterranean is a region with a rich history and even richer food culture. The culture of the Mediterranean is what we are discussing when we say the Mediterranean diet. It is as respected and honored around the world as some of the great heritage sites.

This diet should not be considered as a temporary plan or program to stick by till you have reached a particular goal, but it should be seen as a permanent behavior-changing lifestyle, which will ultimately leave you in a better place then you are right now. In this lifestyle, you will not starve but fill yourself up with nutritious and wholesome meals. You can change your routine and portion size to lose weight and bulk up as well.

The natives of the region produce hearty dishes that are incredibly delicious and diverse. You need to use a lot of fruits and vegetables, get the most of your fat and proteins from fishes, and be generous about olive oil. The social and nonfood aspects are also very important, such as sharing a dining table with family and getting enough sleep.

What is the Mediterranean diet?


 any Magazines and Health Professionals claim the Mediterranean diet as the best diet plan available. The popularity around the topic started in the late 20th century. After a great deal of literature and reproducible studies, it has taken the number one spot among all the diet plans. If you want a fulfilling, disease avoiding, easy following, and nutritious diet plan, then you have to look no further.

It is inspired by the lifestyle and eating patterns of the people living in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The most noteworthy countries are Greece, Italy, Turkey, and France. The diet came into people’s attention when papers and studies were published during the 1950s and 60s, showing a reduction in cardiovascular diseases in seven different countries in the region. These studies started because a doctor in Naples, a city in Italy, reported no cardiovascular-related cases at his hospital.

Mediterranean diet doesn’t have a strict set of rules but guidelines that make you eat healthily. How does it do this? It makes you eat more vegetables and fruits of a diverse variety. It replaces your main protein intakes from red meat and eggs to fish, beans, and pulses, although you can consume eggs in moderation. Animal or saturated fats are primarily replaced by healthy unsaturated fats and Omega fatty acids. This is done by eating a lot of fish and olive oil compared to other sources of fat. Processed or “white” flour and rice are replaced by whole grains, which is ideal because refined grains make you more at risk with diseases. It doesn’t prohibit eating dairy, snacks, and drinking wine but advises to do it in moderation. This is the general foundation that makes up this diet. Your main choice for liquids will become water when following this diet, and sugary drinks are not prohibited, but they are extremely discouraged.

There might be a better diet for weight loss or a particular organ, but the Mediterranean diet is a choice for overall healthy eating. There are a lot of ways it refines the body. It helps maintain mental health as it shows improvement in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s studies, it reduces the chances of type-2 diabetes and hypertension, two of the most prominent co-morbidities. It reduces the chances of obesity by decreasing excess carbohydrate and fat intake. These are just a few of the advantages they can give.

The most important reason why it is said to be the best diet of today is the ease in following and maintaining it. Studies have shown that fast diet plans that make a person starve and reduce weight quickly do not help the individual in the long run because they almost always revert to their routine and gain even more pounds, which are harder to shed. You can say that you will never eat carbohydrates again, but that is impossible if you are not extremely strong-willed. The diet gives maximum benefits with very low stress on the individual following it. Trendy diet plans always lose in experts’ opinions because they are not researched well enough, and most of them don’t let you indulge. A healthy diet should never restrict someone completely from any food.

Ten commandments of the Mediterranean diet

There are only ten guidelines that you have to follow to start your dieting journey.

  1. Avoid using processed foods and always cook your meal.
  2. Eat fresh, local, and seasonal vegetables and fruits. Opt for a diverse variety instead of sticking to a few selections.
  3. Eat a lot more fish and beans to have a steady supply of protein. Seldom use eggs and chicken.
  4. Eat a lot more whole grains and potatoes to give you your daily energy requirements.
  5. Use dairy products in moderation but eat one form of it daily. Cheese is preferable than its other forms, especially goat and sheep cheese.
  6. Eat a lot less red meats, and if you plan to, mix other ingredients as well.
  7. Make all of your meals vegetable centered.
  8. Use olive oil abundantly.
  9. Have fruits in the form of desserts every day. Have a snack occasionally, but fruits should dominate.
  10. Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated all day.

Nutrients in the Mediterranean diet


 he Mediterranean diet focuses on vegetables, so it contains a significant level of nutrition; many other advantages are seen by encouraging us to do smart cooking and eating choices. The diet contains an array of food groups filling us with sustenance.

Here are some of the most important nutrients that this diet provides.

Good Fats

The average person eats a lot of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. Eating fried, fast foods, and using animal fats only damages our body. It is linked to heart disease and higher levels of cardiovascular problems. This diet switches the saturated fatty acids with monounsaturated fatty acids that lower the chances of these diseases.


The diet encourages the use of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. All of them lead to high consumption of dietary fiber. It makes it less likely for bowel cancer and other intestinal diseases to occur. Also, it helps digestion and may also reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes. It promotes satiety, which prevents overeating.

Vitamins and minerals

Almost all the daily requirements of different vitamins and minerals are fulfilled in this diet. Vegetables and fruits are naturally rich in these substances. A vitamin that is not found in them is Vitamin B12, which can only come from animal sources. A strict vegetarian diet might pose these problems, but not this one. In the Mediterranean diet, you are encouraged to eat lots of fish, and an abundant supply of it can be found in salmon, trout, and tuna.


Vegetables and fruits are the main sources of antioxidants. They are substances that remove free radicals from our body, reducing the chances of cancer and many other problems. They are consumed in high quantities if you are following the diet’s guidelines.

Less sugar

There is added sugar in every product that we buy. Sugars are the main culprit of obesity and its associated diseases. Lowering the consumption of sweets and snacks and replacing them with fruits can help elevate your health. Fruits have sugars in them, but they are also highly nutritious, so eating them in moderation is a smart choice.

Health Benefits of the Mediterranean diet

It keeps the heart-healthy.

The reason why it came to the public eye in the first place was its ability to reduce problems associated with the heart. It reduces the risk of heart diseases and stroke, decreasing the chance of early death. The diet promotes the use of fish and vegetables, a source of Omega fats and antioxidants, the nutrients keeping your heart beating smoothly.

It keeps your brain healthy.

Numerous studies show that if you follow the Mediterranean diet and have a high fish intake, you are less likely to get Alzheimer’s and other old age mental diseases. A study consisting of almost 2000 participants found that people following the diet were less likely to develop cognitive disorders.

It keeps your mind healthy.

Psychiatrists all around the globe give their patients the advice to change their diet. A bad high fatty or sugary diet is linked with a negative mental state. Carotenoids in different vegetables and fruits change the bacterial population in our gut, boosting our mood. A study found that following a Mediterranean diet reduces the chances of depression.

It keeps your blood sugar in control.

Unlike many other diets, the Mediterranean diet doesn’t just lower your carbohydrate intake, leaving you sluggish and tired. It encourages the person to eat alt of whole grains such as quinoa, buckwheat, etc. They maintain blood sugar levels and do not make you feel that you are compromising your energy.

It keeps away cancer.

Studies with over 2 million subjects have shown that the Mediterranean diet is the best diet to prevent cancer from developing. A good dose of antioxidants is taken every day, helping the body remove harmful chemicals.

It keeps your weight in check.

The Mediterranean diet contains rich and diverse food choices and prohibits no food group, which makes weight loss easy. The person eats more fiber and whole grains, which promotes satiety and maintains our energy. We do not feel hungry as often as we might be if we eat junk food regularly.

It’s great for old age women.

Postmenopausal women experience a decline in their bone strength and muscle mass, which leads to injuries and low quality of life. A study suggests that the diet may prevent this issue in the long term and reduce bones and muscles’ loss.

It keeps the digestive tract healthy.

A study found that people who follow a diet containing high fruits and vegetables increase the bacteria’s quality in their gut significantly. The number of good bacteria is very high when you follow the Mediterranean diet as well. The Diet of traditional Westerners is not healthy and very bad for the intestines.

It helps you to live longer.

All the benefits combined, it produces a collective result of increasing longevity and decreasing mortality rate. It is mainly due to the prevention of diabetes and heart problems. Mediterranean countries contain longer living people, and the diet is the reason for their excellent health.

Key Ingredients of the Mediterranean Diet


 editerranean diet depends upon home cooking and consuming seasonal vegetables and fruits. Some ingredients can change based on the area’s food supplies, but some key ingredients stay the same no matter where you are. Here is a list of some of them below:

Olive oil

One of the main guidelines in the diet is to use olive oil generously. Italy and Greece, two major Mediterranean countries, produce the largest amount of olive oil and consume a lot of it as well. It is highly nutritious, with carotenoids, tocopherols, and antioxidants present in it. It advances the flavor of vegetables, which makes the person prefer them more. You can use it for cooking, baking, and as a dressing.


Dipping sauce and paste often contain a large number of olives in the Mediterranean region. They are pitted and put into various dishes as toppings or main ingredients. They obtain high levels of polyphenols and antioxidants, which makes them very healthy.


It dominates the Mediterranean plate, and you cannot successfully follow the diet without it. The Mediterranean diet uses unrefined wheat and barley flour for their bread and main source of carbohydrate. Durum is also very popular in the Mediterranean region and is used for making bread and couscous. It is high in fiber and has a low glycemic index, which prevents obesity and overeating while controlling your sugar levels.

Green vegetables

The Mediterranean region has a high consumption of different types of vegetables, especially green vegetables. Dandelion greens, arugula, and fennel are just some examples of more than a hundred greens available. They all are rich in flavonoids, but different vegetables each bring something special to the nutrient table. It’s important to eat a diverse variety. It is also a rich source of calcium, magnesium, and iron.


In the Mediterranean diet, chickpeas play an important part. Just one cup or 82 grams of chickpeas provides a high amount of fibers, magnesium, folate, protein, and dietary fiber. It is used in many dishes as a garnish or as a main ingredient. Chickpeas, fava beans, and lentils should all be consumed either cooked or baked form.


Garlic is used as a seasoning in many Mediterranean dishes. You can use it inside a sauce and have your many dishes beside it. It is a well-known anti-inflammatory ingredient, and it also prevents cancer and the flu. Aioli is also a popular source that contains garlic.

Herbs and Spices

Every Mediterranean country has its palate and, by contrast, has its variety of herbs and spices. Almost in all of them, they play an important role in seasoning meals. They are high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and phenols. Fresh herbs are a significant source of flavor and nutrition.

Cheese and Yogurt

Many sauces, salads, and meals contain yogurt and cheese to raise the dish’s flavor in these regions. They are filled with probiotics and are a source of proteins. Yogurt and cheese are traditional ingredients of this region, and the diet will not be complete without them.

Must have Pantry staples for the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet makes you eat lots of vegetables, fish, and fruits, but some items can even further elevate the meals. Here is a list of items you can keep in your kitchen cabinets to have an excellent dieting experience.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

In the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is used for cooking and frying. It can also be consumed as a dressing. It is incredibly healthy, a good source of good fats, and provides tons of flavors. It also has a high smoking point for a better cooking experience.

Canned fish

Fresh fishes are a must if you follow the diet, but having canned fishes stored can be a great benefit. It can be used to make many small and sided dishes. Canned sardines, anchovies, and clams can be used alongside or separate from fresh fish. It adds variety and increases omega-3 intake.

Dried fruits

Buy some different dried fruits from the store or make some added home; these ingredients will significantly elevate your dishes’ flavors. Apricots and berries can bring sweet and savory notes; raisins and prunes can be used as well. Fruits are extremely healthy. Serve them beside your dish and eat with joy.


They are healthy; provide a great variety of flavors and texture. They can be sprinkled over salads, be made into relish, and be used in combination with other nuts to make a dish independently. There are many choices among nuts; walnuts, peanuts, almonds, tahini, pine nuts, etc. All of them can be used to raise the quality of the dish.

Whole grains Staples

They are the backbone of this diet, providing the main source of energy and filling our appetite. Get some buckwheat, corn grits, faro millet, etc. Get any whole grains that you like and stock on it to have a plentiful supply of it for a long time.


Be it dried or canned, tomatoes can be used in various ways to make a dish. It can become the main ingredient or provide flavor. It is available almost everywhere and is used all year round. You can add it in pasta and stews to make a thicker and more satiating base.


Olives are a favorite of the Mediterranean region. There are many types of them, bringing different flavors, and they are very healthy. One of the most liked is Castelvetranos, which gives a buttery taste. They can be sprinkled, used in the dressing, or blended in a sauce for use.

Whole-grain crackers

You will need some snacks to curb your cravings or prevent you from digging into the store-bought chips and sweets. Whole-grain crackers give a much better taste than white grained ones and go excellent with cheeses. They are also quite healthy when compared to other snacks.

Canned beans

Fresh beans should be the first choice, but you need to be prepared even for hectic rushed meals when you start a diet. They can expand the flavor and texture profile of your diet. You can get kidney beans, fava beans, lentils, etc.

Herbs and Spices

They are important for any meal and are used worldwide to bring up the taste of other ingredients. The spices and herbs you can use are oregano, dill, sage, thyme, black pepper, cumin, basil leaves, garlic powder, ginger powder, paprika, etc.

Greek yogurt

It is a great source of protein and can be used to make an array of dishes and meals. Its versatility can be used to elevate any type of recipe in any way we desire to. It can be used in savory or sweet dishes.


In this diet, you are required to eat plentiful cheese, so it’s obvious that you should stock up on it. It can be served deliciously alongside whole grains, bread, and roasted potatoes. There are plentiful choices in this category as well, so mix and experiment with different flavors.

Shopping List for the Mediterranean Diet


 hopping list items vary from country to country, and also items change according to seasons. Your first choice should be seasonal and local ingredients. No need to buy fancy and expensive imported ingredients. Here is a basic list mentioned below:


  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Onion
  • Eggplant
  • Cucumber
  • Green beans
  • Okra
  • Zucchini
  • Garlic
  • Peas
  • Potatoes
  • Mushrooms  
  • Cauliflower  
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots  
  • Celery  
  • Beets  
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage

Frozen vegetables can also be used

Greens form an important component of the diet.

  • Chicory  
  • Dandelions  
  • Beet greens  
  • Amaranth  


Citrus fruits should dominate your plate but also keep eating a mixed variety.

  • Orange  
  • Lemons  
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Cherries
  • Watermelon
  • Cantaloupe
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Figs  
  • Apricots  

Dairy Products:

Full-fat dairy should be the first choice.

  • Plain Greek yogurt  
  • Sheep’s milk yogurt  
  • Feta cheese  
  • Fresh cheese like ricotta  
  • Parmesan
  • Mozzarella
  • Graviera
  • Mizithra

Meat and Poultry:

They should be eaten rarely, like once a week.

  • Chicken  
  • Beef  
  • Veal  
  • Pork

Fish and Seafood:

Preferably eat small fatty fish. You can eat canned fish as well.

  • Anchovies  
  • Sardines
  • Shrimp
  • Calamari  

Grains and Bread:

  • Whole grain bread  
  • Whole grain breadsticks  
  • Pita bread  
  • Phyllo  
  • Pasta  
  • Rice  
  • Bulgur  
  • Couscous

Fats and Nuts:

  • Extra virgin olive oil  
  • Tahini
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts  
  • Pine nuts  
  • Pistachios  
  • Sesame seeds


  • Lentils  
  • Chickpeas  
  • White Beans  
  • Fava Beans  

Pantry Items:

  • Canned tomatoes
  • Olives
  • Sun-dried tomatoes  
  • Capers  
  • Honey  

Herbs and Spices:

  • Oregano  
  • Parsley
  • Dill
  • Mint
  • Basil  
  • Cumin
  • Allspice
  • Cinnamon  
  • Pepper  
  • Sea salt  
  • Sage  
  • Thyme  
  • Herbal Tea

Rules for Sticking To the Mediterranean Diet


 here are no restrictions, you can go as slow or strict as you like, but this flexibility might be confusing you on how to start the diet. Here are some suggestions that you might find helpful.

Switch to olive oil instead of butter

Olive oil is extremely healthy, filled with phenols and good fats. The monounsaturated fatty acids are shown to reduce weight and keep the waistline in check. In the past decades, fat has been under fire, but it is still an essential part of a balanced diet. Olive oil and avocado oil are high in calories, but they provide energy and lower bad cholesterol.

Follow Harvard Ratio

The diet is widespread and is being studied worldwide. Scientists at Harvard have also taken their interest in the diet and came up with an ingredient to plate ratio that gives maximum benefit to the dieter. The ratio is :

  • Fill half of your plate with vegetables (½)
  • Fill one-fourth of your plate with grains (¼)
  • Fill one-fourth of your plate with protein(¼)

If you want to lose weight, you have to control your proportion sizes effectively. An incredibly easy way to do this is by using smaller plates. You don’t want to count calories in this diet.

Use sheep and goats cheese.

People living in the Mediterranean region love their cheeses. Even if they use it a lot, sheep’s and goat’s cheese are considered healthier because they have medium and not long fatty acid chains. Some examples of this kind of cheeses are Halloumi, Feta, Ricotta, Manchego, Roquefort, Pecorino, etc. They are a good source of calcium and healthy for bones.

Consume Fresh Fish more than once in a week.

You need to cook small oily fishes. They have been shown to reduce deadly diseases. Some examples of these kinds of fish include mackerel, sardines, tuna, herring, and trout. There are lots of ways to prepare them, baking, curing, frying, and grilling. You can make them into a stew or even roost it.

Completely replace your refined grain stocks with whole grains.

Refined grains have been linked to many diseases. These grains lose their fiber content when processed, making them less nutritious and less fulfilling. The person gets hungry quickly and overeats. Eat whole grains as much as possible as they are the main supply of your energy and carbohydrates.

Red meat should be rarely eaten.

Red meat and mortality studies show that eating regular red meat leads to a higher chance of early death. If you are an extreme meat-eater, it’s better to start slow and cut out one red meat meal every week until no meals surround it. If you are going to consume it, make it a side ingredient.

Eat seasonal vegetables.

Going to the market with an open mind will help you in your journey of successful dieting. Eating seasonal will make you eat a “rainbow,” meaning vegetables of all colors. Each vegetable comes with its benefits, and it’s important we consume all of them. Eating seasonal is the way to follow a good Mediterranean diet.


Egg Muffins

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:67
Cook Time:35 minutesFat (g):5
Total Time:45 minutesProtein (g):4.7

These muffins are extremely healthy, filled with eggs, veggies, and herbs. It’s a great way to use leftover chicken and also impress your family.


Chicken, boneless, cooked, shredded4 oz (113 g)
Chopped red bell pepper¾ cup
Cherry tomatoes, halved12
Scallions, peeled, chopped2
Kalamata olives, pitted, chopped6
Salt1/3 teaspoon
Ground black pepper¼ teaspoon
Paprika½ teaspoon
Ground turmeric¼ teaspoon
Parsley leaves, fresh, chopped½ cup
Feta cheese, crumbled¼ cup


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 350 degrees F (177°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, take a 12-cup muffin pan, grease its cups with oil, and then divide scallions, tomatoes, olives, peppers, chicken, parsley, and cheese evenly among the cups.
  3. Take a large bowl, crack the eggs in it, add salt, black pepper, and all the spices and then whisk until combined.
  4. Pour the egg mixture over vegetables in each muffin cup and then bake for 35 minutes until muffins have set.
  5. When done, take out muffins from the cups and then serve.


Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:304
Cook Time:25 minutesFat (g):18.1
Total Time:30 minutesProtein (g):14.3

Made with eggs resting on top of tomatoes and veggies, this dish is packed with flavors. It’s an easy one-skillet dish.


Large white onion, peeled, chopped1
Red bell peppers, chopped2
Minced garlic1 tablespoon
Ground coriander1 teaspoon
Sweet paprika1 teaspoon
Cumin, ground½ teaspoon
Red pepper flakes1/8 teaspoon
Salt½ teaspoon
Ground black pepper1/3 teaspoon
Chopped tomatoes6 cups
Tomato sauce½ cup
Chopped parsley leaves, fresh¼ cup
Chopped mint leaves, fresh¼ cup
Olive oil3 tablespoons


  1. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium heat, add oil and when hot, add onion, garlic, and bell pepper and then stir in salt, black pepper, and all the spices.
  2. Cook the vegetables for 5 minutes until soften, then add tomatoes and tomato sauce, stir until mixed and simmer for 10 minutes, covering the pan with its lid.
  3. After 10 minutes, uncover the pan, continue cooking the tomato mixture until slightly thickened, then make five wells into it and crack an egg in each well.
  4. Switch heat to the low level, cover the skillet with its lid and then cook for 5 to 8 minutes until egg whites have set.
  5. Remove pan from heat, sprinkle mint and parsley on top, and then serve with bread.

Avocado Toast with Cream Cheese

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:188
Cook Time:2 minutesFat (g):8.7
Total Time:7 minutesProtein (g):8

Eat this toast for breakfast, lunch, or snack. Creamy avocados and yummy cheese will make you salivate for a long time.


Slice of whole-wheat toast1
Flaxseed oil2 teaspoons
Avocado, peeled, sliced, or mashed½
Cream cheese1/3 cup
Small tomato, sliced1
Basil leavesAs needed for serving
Sesame seeds1 teaspoon


  1. Drizzle oil on both sides of bread and then toast for 1 to 2 minutes per side until golden brown.
  2. Assemble the toast and for this, place the bread on a plate, sprinkle cheese on top, and then cover with the layer with avocado and tomato.
  3. Scatter basil leaves on top, drizzle with some more oil and sesame seeds, and then serve.

Mediterranean Egg Casserole

Prep Time:15 minutesCalories:310
Cook Time:10 h and 10 minFat (g):19
Total Time:10 h and 25 minProtein (g):18

This is a hearty and filling slow-cooked Mediterranean casserole is made for curbing your cravings. Eggs and veggies make it healthy and delicious.


Prosciutto, cut into 1/2-inch thick slices (you can use chicken instead)2 oz (57 g)
Butter, unsalted1 tablespoon
Cremini mushrooms, sliced3 cups
Chopped red bell pepper½ cup
Diced hash brown potatoes16 oz (454 g)
Chopped spinach, fresh or frozen, thawed, moisture squeezed10 oz (283 g)
Artichoke hearts, fresh or frozen, thawed, quartered1 cup
Sun-dried tomato, chopped1/4 cup
Cream Cheese8 oz (227 g)
Cheddar cheese, shredded4 oz (113 g)
Saltto taste
Black pepperto taste
Dijon mustard1 tablespoon
Whole milk2 cups


  1. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat and when hot, add prosciutto slices and then cook for 3 to 4 minutes until crisp. Transfer prosciutto to a plate.
  2. Add butter to the pan and when it melts, add mushrooms and peppers and then cook for 4 minutes or until softened.
  3. Plug in a 4-quarts slow cooker, grease it with oil, add potatoes and then layer with half of the tomatoes-artichokes mixture and half of the spinach.
  4. Sprinkle with half of the cream cheese, layer with remaining vegetables, spinach, and cream cheese.
  5. Crack eggs in a bowl, add mustard, prosciutto pieces, pour in the milk, season with salt and black pepper, whisk until blended, and then pour over vegetables and cream cheese in the slow cooker. Then sprinkle the top with Cheddar cheese.
  6. Shut the slow cooker with its lid and then cook for 4 to 5 hours at high heat setting or for 8 to 10 hours at low heat setting until eggs have set.
  7. When done, let the casserole rest in the slow cooker for 10 minutes, then take it out and cut it into ten slices.
  8. Enjoy!

Spinach, Tomato, and Feta Scrambled Eggs

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:199
Cook Time:4 minutesFat (g):16
Total Time:9 minutesProtein (g):11.4

A classic breakfast of scrambled eggs made with plentiful veggies. The Mediterranean taste also comes from delicious feta cheese.


Olive oil1 tablespoon
Tomato, seeded, diced1/3 cup
Baby spinach1 cup
Feta cheese, cubed2 tablespoons
Salt¼ teaspoon
Ground black pepper1/8 teaspoon


  1. Take a large frying pan, place it over medium heat, add oil, and let it heat until hot.
  2. Then add spinach and tomatoes, cook until spinach wilts, pour in the eggs, stir until mixed and cook for 30 seconds.
  3. Add cheese and then cook for 2 to 3 minutes until eggs have scrambled.
  4. Season the eggs with salt and black pepper and then serve.

Quinoa with Berries

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:176
Cook Time:60 minutesFat (g):10
Total Time:1 h and 5 minProtein (g):4.3

Extremely healthy, filling, and delicious.


Quinoa, rinsed1 cup
Olive oil, divided1 tablespoon
Ginger, peeled, cut into coinsOne-piece, about 1-inch
Salt¾ teaspoon
Lemon zest1 teaspoon
Mixed berries, fresh1 cups
Water1 ½ cups


  1. Take a large saucepan, place it over medium-high heat, add 1 tablespoon of oil and when hot, add quinoa and then cook for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Pour in water, stir in salt, add ginger and lemon zest, stir until mixed, and then bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Switch to medium-low heat, simmer for 20 minutes, then remove the pan from heat and let it sit for 5 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.
  4. Drain the remaining water and then fluff the grain with a fork, remove the ginger, spoon the grain on the large baking sheet, and spread evenly. Cool the grains for 30 minutes.
  5. Serve with berries or chill it overnight and then serve the next morning.


Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:165
Cook Time:12 minutesFat (g):1.8
Total Time:22 minutesProtein (g):4.5

It is a perfect breakfast, which is filled with all the nutrients you need. It’s toasty, nutty, and delicious to eat.


Rolled oats3 ½ cups
Wheat bran½ cup
Salt½ teaspoon
Ground cinnamon½ teaspoon
Almonds½ cup
Hazelnuts¼ cup
Pumpkin seeds, shelled¼ cup
Dried apricots, chopped¼ cup
Raisins¼ cup


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 350 degrees F (177°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Take a baking sheet, place wheat bran and oats in it, sprinkle with salt and cinnamon, toss until combined, and then spread the grains in an even layer.
  3. Take a second baking sheet, place pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, and almonds, toss until combined, and then spread the grains in an even layer.
  4. Place both baking sheets into the oven and then bake for 10 to 12 minutes until fragrant.
  5. When done, remove baking sheets from the oven and set them aside until cooled.
  6. Then transfer all the ingredients in the baking sheets into a large bowl, add raisins and apricots and toss until combined.
  7. You can serve it with Greek yogurt and honey.

Mediterranean Breakfast Quinoa

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:326.6
Cook Time:20 minutesFat (g):7.9
Total Time:25 minutesProtein (g):11.5

This dish is packed with healthy ingredients that you will need to start your day. It’s nutty, toasty, and sweet to taste.


●   Almond flakes¼ cup
●   Ground cinnamon1 teaspoon
●   Quinoa1 cup
●   Whole milk2 cups
●   Salt1 teaspoon
●   Vanilla extract, unsweetened1 teaspoon
●   Honey2 tablespoons
●   Dates, pitted2
●   Apricot, dried5


  1. Take a medium saucepan, place it over medium heat, add quinoa, stir in cinnamon and cook for 3 to 4 minutes until thoroughly warm.
  2. Then stir in salt, pour in the milk, and bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat to the low level and then simmer for 15 minutes, covering the pan with the lid.
  4. Add remaining ingredients except for half of the almonds, stir until mixed and cook for 2 minutes until hot.
  5. Distribute quinoa among four bowls, top with remaining almonds, and then serve.

Spinach and Feta Egg Wrap

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:703.5
Cook Time:5 minutesFat (g):36.8
Total Time:10 minutesProtein (g):36.6

This breakfast wrap will satisfy your morning hunger. Creamy cheese and veggies will bring the taste and health to you.


●   Whole-wheat tortilla1
●   Coconut oil1 ½ teaspoons
●   Baby spinach1 cup
●   Eggs2
●   Feta cheese1/3 cup
●   Medium cucumber, diced1


  1. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium heat and when hot, place the tortilla in it and then toast it.
  2. Transfer tortilla to a plate, add oil to the skillet pan, switch heat to medium-high level and let it melt.
  3. Add spinach and cook for 1 minute until spinach wilts, add eggs and then cook for 2 minutes until eggs have scrambled.
  4. Sprinkle cheese over eggs, cook for 1 minute until cheese melts and then spoon eggs over the tortilla.
  5. Top the eggs with diced cucumber, roll it like a wrap and then serve.

Fig and Ricotta Toast

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:252
Cook Time:0 minutesFat (g):9 g
Total Time:5 minutesProtein (g):12 g
Servings:2Carbs (g):32 g


Whole-grain bread, sliced2, about ½-inch thick
Ricotta cheese½ cup
Fig, sliced4
Sea salt1/16 teaspoon


  1. Warm the slices until toasted on both sides and place them on a plate.
  2. Spread ricotta cheese, then top with figs and season with salt.
  3. Serve.


Mediterranean Cucumber Tomato Salad

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:105
Cook Time:0 minutesFat (g):7.5
Total Time:10 minutesProtein (g):2.3

This all-star salad is a great lunch option. It has parsley and lemony dressing to bring up the Mediterranean flavors.


Tomatoes, cut into wedges3 cups
Large cucumber, diced1
Chopped parsley leaves, fresh½ cup
Salt1/3 teaspoon
Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
Ground Sumac1 teaspoon
Olive oil2 tablespoons
Lemon juice2 teaspoons


  1. Take a large salad bowl, place cucumber, tomatoes, and parsley in it, stir in salt and let the salad rest for 5 minutes.
  2. Then add remaining ingredients into the salad, toss until mixed, and then serve.

Greek Salad

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:103
Cook Time:0 minutesFat (g):9.5
Total Time:10 minutesProtein (g):0.7

This Mediterranean iconic dish is filled with crunchy, colorful veggies and soft cheese. It’s one of Greek’s finger-licking food.


Red onion, medium, peeled, sliced in half-moons1
Tomatoes, medium, cut into wedges4
Сucumber, peeled in a striped pattern, ½-inch thick sliced1
Red bell pepper, medium, cored, sliced into rings1
Lettuce leaves2 oz (57 g)
Black olives, pitted, halved¼ cup
Salt1/8 teaspoon
Olive oil4 tablespoons
Red wine vinegar2 tablespoons
Block of feta cheese, sliced in large pieces1
Dried oregano½ tablespoon


  1. Take a large salad dish, add onion, tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, lettuce leaves, and olives in it and then season with salt and oregano.
  2. Pour oil and vinegar over the salad, toss until just mixed, top the salad with feta cheese.
  3. Serve the salad with crusty bread.

White Bean Salad

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:205
Cook Time:0 minutesFat (g):6
Total Time:5 minutesProtein (g):10

This dish uses bright and colorful Mediterranean ingredients to fill your stomach.


White beans, cooked30 oz (850 g)
Cherry tomatoes, chopped10 oz (283 g)
Onions, chopped4
Chopped parsley, fresh1 cup
Leaves of mint, chopped20
Lemon, zested, juiced1
Salt2/3 teaspoon
Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
Za’atar1 teaspoon
Sumac½ teaspoon
Aleppo pepper½ teaspoon
Olive oil2 tablespoons


  1. Take a large salad bowl, place beans in it, and then add tomatoes, parsley, onions, and mint in it.
  2. Season with salt and black pepper, add lemon zest, Aleppo pepper, sumac, and za’atar, and then drizzle with oil and lemon juice.
  3. Toss the salad until just mixed, let it rest for 30 minutes, and then serve.

Mediterranean Couscous Salad

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:153
Cook Time:25 minutesFat (g):6.9
Total Time:30 minutesProtein (g):4.7

Made with hearty chickpeas and crunchy veggies, this couscous salad will elevate your lunch experience. It’s also filled with herbs and has a light and zippy lemon dressing.


For the Vinaigrette: 
Large lemon, juiced1
Olive oil1/3 cup
Dill weed1 teaspoon
Minced garlic1 tablespoon
Salt and pepper2/3 teaspoon
Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
For the Salad: 
Pearl couscous2 cups
Olive oil2 tablespoons
Water3 cups
Grape tomatoes, halved2 cups
Cucumber, chopped½
Yellow bell pepper, chopped½
Kalamata olives, pitted, chopped½ cup
Basil leaves, chopped15


  1. Prepare the vinaigrette and for this, take a small bowl, place all of its ingredients in it and then whisk until combined, set aside until required.
  2. Prepare the salad and for this, take a medium pot, add oil and when hot, add couscous and then cook for 2 to 3 minutes until golden brown.
  3. Pour in the water, cook the couscous according to the package, and then drain it into the colander.
  4. Take a large salad bowl, place remaining ingredients for the salad in it except for basil, stir until combined, and then stir in basil and couscous until mixed.
  5. Drizzle the prepared vinaigrette over the salad, stir until just mixed.
  6. Serve straight away.

Baked Parmesan Zucchini

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:67
Cook Time:23 minutesFat (g):3.3
Total Time:33 minutesProtein (g):5.4

Toasty and golden, these tender baked zucchinis are best served hot with a beautiful and healthy dipping sauce. The herbs and cheese bring out the flavors in this vegetable.


Zucchini, large, trimmed, cut into sticks length-wise4
Olive oilAs needed
For Parmesan-Thyme Topping: 
Parmesan cheese, grated½ cup
Thyme leaves, fresh2 teaspoons
Oregano, dried1 teaspoon
Sweet paprika½ teaspoon
Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
Salt1/8 teaspoon


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 350 degrees F (177°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, take a small bowl, place cheese in it, add all other ingredients for topping and then stir until well combined.
  3. Take a large baking sheet, place a wire rack on it, brush it with oil, and then arrange zucchini pieces on it, skin-side-down.
  4. Brush zucchini with oil, sprinkle with parmesan mixture and then bake for 17 to 23 minutes until golden and tender-crisp.
  5. Serve.

Fish Sticks

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:119
Cook Time:15 minutesFat (g):3.8
Total Time:25 minutesProtein (g):13.6

This is an easy-to-make fish dish. These tender fish sticks are crispy and cheesy and flavorful from seasonings.


Fish salmon fillet, skinless1 ½ lbs (680 g)
Salt1 ½ teaspoons
Ground black pepper1 teaspoon
Oregano, dried1 teaspoon
Sweet paprika1 teaspoon
Whole wheat flour½ cup
Egg, beaten1
Bread crumbs½ cup
Parmesan cheese, grated½ cup
Olive oilAs needed
Lemon, zested1
Lemon, juiced½
Parsley, chopped2 tablespoons


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 450 degrees F (232°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, season salmon fillets with salt on both sides and then cut it into 3-inch long pieces.
  3. Take a small bowl, place paprika in it, stir in black pepper and oregano and then stir until combined. Season the pieces on both sides with this mixture.
  4. Take a shallow dish, place flour in it, then take a separate shallow dish and whisk the egg in it.
  5. Take a separate dish, place bread crumbs in it and then stir in lemon zest and parmesan cheese.
  6. Dredge a fish piece into the flour until well coated on both, dip into beaten egg, dredge into parmesan-bread crumbs mixture, and place it on a greased baking sheet.
  7. Repeat with the remaining fish pieces and then bake for 12 to 15 minutes until golden brown and fork-tender.
  8. When done, drizzle lemon juice over fish pieces, sprinkle with parsley and then serve.


Prep Time:1 h 15 m + soaking timeCalories:296
Cook Time:15 minutesFat (g):7
Total Time:1 h 30 m + soaking timeProtein (g):16

This is a recipe of an authentic falafel, made with vegan ingredients and a mixture of high-quality spices. It’s delicious, hearty, and healthy and makes a great lunch.


Dried chickpeas2 cups
Baking soda½ teaspoon
Parsley leaves, fresh1 cup
Cilantro leaves, fresh3/4 cup
Dill leaves, fresh½ cup
White onion, small, peeled, quartered1
Cloves of garlic, peeled8
Salt1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper1 tablespoon
Cumin, ground1 tablespoon
Ground coriander1 tablespoon
Cayenne pepper1 teaspoon
Baking powder1 teaspoon
Sesame seeds, toasted2 tablespoons
Olive oilAs needed for frying


  1. One day before cooking falafel, place chickpea in a large bowl, pour in enough water to cover peas by 2-inches, stir in baking soda and then let the chickpeas soak overnight.
  2. Then drain the chickpeas, pat dry, and transfer them into a food processor.
  3. Add onion, salt, garlic, parsley leaves, dill leaves, cilantro leaves, black pepper, cumin, coriander, cayenne pepper, then pulse for 40 seconds at a time until well combined, tip the mixture in a bowl, cover with its lid and let it refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour.
  4. When ready to cook, add sesame seeds and baking powder into the falafel mixture, stir until mixed, and then shape the mixture into ½-inch thick patties, about 24.
  5. Take a deep skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat, pour in oil until 3-inches filled and when hot, add falafel patties in it, and then fry for 5 minutes or more until done.
  6. When cooked, place patties on a plate lined with paper towels to soak excess oil and repeat with the remaining patties.
  7. Serve falafel with salad.

Roasted Tomato and Basil Soup

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:148
Cook Time:60 minutesFat (g):6.6
Total Time:1 h 10 mProtein (g):4

This vegan soup is rich and delicious.


Roma tomatoes, halved3 lbs (1 kg 361 g)
Carrots, peeled, cut into small chunks3
Olive oil4 tablespoons
Salt1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
White onions, medium, peeled, chopped2
Minced garlic3 tablespoons
Crushed tomatoes1 cup
Basil leaves2 oz (57 g)
Thyme leaves2 teaspoons
Oregano, dried1 teaspoon
Sweet paprika½ teaspoon
Cumin, ground½ teaspoon
Water2 ½ cups


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 450 degrees F (232°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, take a large bowl, place carrot pieces and Roma tomatoes in it, drizzle with 2 tablespoons oil, season with ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon black pepper, and then toss until combined.
  3. Take a large baking sheet, spread the vegetables (carrot pieces and Roma tomatoes) in a single layer, and then roast them for 30 minutes.
  4. When done, let the vegetables cool for 10 minutes, transfer them into a food processor, pour in 4 tablespoons of water, and pulse until blended.
  5. Take a large pot, place it over medium-high heat, add remaining oil and when hot, add onion and cook for 3 minutes until tender.
  6. Add garlic, cook for 1 minute until golden, then pour in tomato mixture, stir in crushed tomatoes, salt, thyme, black pepper, basil, cumin, paprika, and oregano. Pour in the remaining water and bring it to a boil.
  7. Then switch heat to the low level and simmer the soup for 20 minutes, covering the pan half with its lid.
  8. When done, remove thyme from the soup, transfer the soup into bowls, drizzle with oil, and then serve with bread.

Mediterranean Tuna Salad

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:225
Cook Time:32 minutesFat (g):9
Total Time:42 minutesProtein (g):32


For the Dijon Mustard Dressing: 
Dijon mustard2 ½ teaspoons
Lime, zested1
Limes, juiced1 ½
Olive oil2 tablespoons
Sumac½ teaspoon
Salt1/8 teaspoon
Ground black pepper1/8 teaspoon
Crushed red pepper flakes½ teaspoon
For the Tuna Salad: 
Tuna, canned7 oz (198 g)
Whole radishes, small, stems removed, chopped4
Green onions, chopped3
Olives, pitted½ cup
Arugula½ cup
Basil leaves, chopped15
Cherry tomatoes, cut into wedges12
Egg, boiled, cut into wedges2


  1. Prepare the vinaigrette and for this, take a small bowl, place all of the Dijon Mustard Dressing ingredients in it, and then whisk until well blended, set aside until required.
  2. Prepare the salad and for this, take a large salad bowl, place tuna in it, add all other ingredients except for the egg and then stir until mixed.
  3. Pour the prepared vinaigrette over the salad, toss until evenly coated, cover the bowl with its lid, and then let it refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  4. Top salad with egg wedges and then serve.

Italian Baked Chicken

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:270
Cook Time:30 minutesFat (g):9
Total Time:40 minutesProtein (g):36


Chicken breast, boneless, skinless2 lbs (907 g)
Salt2 teaspoons
Ground black pepper2 teaspoons
Oregano, dried2 teaspoons
Sweet paprika1 teaspoon
Minced garlic2 tablespoons
Olive oil3 tablespoons
Lemon, juiced½
Cherry tomatoes, halved6
Chopped parsley, fresh2 tablespoons
Garlic cloves6


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 425 degrees F (218°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Season chicken with salt and black pepper, and then place it in a large bowl.
  3. Add minced garlic, paprika and oregano, drizzle with oil and lemon juice and toss until well coated.
  4. Take a large baking dish, grease it with oil, spread garlic cloves in its bottom, top with chicken, and then scatter tomatoes on top.
  5. Cover the baking dish with foil, bake the chicken for 10 minutes, then uncover it and continue baking for 10 minutes until tender and thoroughly cooked.
  6. When done, cover the dish with foil, let the chicken rest for 10 minutes, then garnish with parsley and serve.

Stuffed Champignon Mushrooms

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:51
Cook Time:20 minutesFat (g):3
Total Time:30 minutesProtein (g):2

A stuff mushroom recipe filled with classic Mediterranean ingredients, tomatoes, spinach, olives, and cheese.


●   Olive oil3 tablespoons
●   Minced garlic½ tablespoon
●   Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
●   Salt¼ teaspoon
●   Champignon mushrooms, stems removed12
●   Spinach, chopped1 cup
●   Cherry tomatoes, chopped½ cup
●   Feta cheese, crumbled1/3 cup
●   Kalamata olives, pitted, sliced2 tablespoons
●   Chopped oregano1 tablespoon
●   Cheddar cheese, grated¼ cup


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 400 degrees F (204°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, take a small bowl, place salt in it, add garlic, black pepper, and 2 tablespoons oil in it and then stir until combined.
  3. Brush the garlic mixture over mushrooms until coated, arrange them on a large baking sheet and then bake for 10 minutes until softened.
  4. While mushroom bakes, take a medium bowl, place spinach, olives, and tomatoes in it, add oregano, feta cheese, and remaining oil and toss until combined.
  5. When mushrooms have baked, stuff them with the spinach mixture, top with the cheddar cheese and then continue baking for 10 minutes.
  6. Serve straight away.

Prosciutto and Arugula Pizza

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:290
Cook Time:20 minutesFat (g):13.3
Total Time:25 minutesProtein (g):12

This is a simple pizza for the whole family.


●   Pizza dough, whole-wheat1 lb (453 g)
●   Olive oil2 tablespoons
●   Minced garlic½ teaspoon
●   Mozzarella cheese, shredded1 cup
●   Prosciutto slices, 1-inch sliced (you can use chicken instead)1 oz (28 g)
●   Arugula½ cup
●   Cherry tomatoes, halved1/2 cup
●   Ground black pepper¼ teaspoon


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 450 degrees F (232°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Place the dough on a dusted working space; roll it into a 12-inch round shape.
  3. Take a small bowl, place garlic in it, add oil and then stir until mixed.
  4. Brush the baking sheet with oil, place the crust on it, and then spread garlic oil mixture on it, top with prosciutto, cherry tomatoes, and cheese.
  5. Bake for 18-20 minutes until cheese melts and the bottom of the crust turn light brown.
  6. When done, top the pizza with arugula, sprinkle with black pepper, drizzle with oil, and then cut it into slices.
  7. Serve straight away.

Chicken and Spinach Pasta

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:334
Cook Time:20 minutesFat (g):12.3
Total Time:30 minutesProtein (g):28.7


●   Penne pasta, whole-wheat8 oz (227 g)
●   Olive oil2 tablespoons
●   Chicken breast, boneless, skinless1 pound (453 g)
●   Salt½ teaspoon
●   Ground black pepper¼ teaspoon
●   Minced garlic2 tablespoons
●   Dry white wine½ cup
●   Lemon, juiced, zested1
●   Spinach, chopped, fresh1 cup
●   Alfredo sauce, divided8 tablespoons


  1. Cook pasta according to the package instructions.
  2. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat, add oil and when hot, add chicken, season it with salt and black pepper and cook for 5 to 7 minutes until thoroughly cooked.
  3. Then add garlic, cook for 1 minute until fragrant, stir in wine, lemon zest, and juice and bring the mixture to a simmer.
  4. Remove pan from heat, add pasta and spinach into the pan, stir until mixed and cover the pan with its lid; let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes until spinach leaves wilts.
  5. Stir in Alfredo sauce until well mixed.
  6. Divide pasta and chicken evenly among four plates and then serve.

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Prep Time:20 minutesCalories:278.4
Cook Time:20 minutesFat (g):14
Total Time:40 minutesProtein (g):18.4

This is a healthy, light Mediterranean salad that can be made without chicken for vegans. It’s filled with hearty quinoa, veggies, herbs, and lemon flavor.


●   Water2 cups
●   Chicken broth cubes2
●   Clove of garlic, peeled1
●   Quinoa, dry1 cup
●   Chicken breast, large, chopped2
●   Green onion, diced1
●   Green bell pepper, diced1
●   Arugula½ cup
●   Cherry tomatoes, chopped½ cup
●   Parsley leaves, chopped¼ cup
●   Saltto taste
●   Black pepperto taste
●   Lemon juice¼ cup
●   Balsamic vinegar1 tablespoon
●   Olive oil¼ cup + 2 tablespoons


  1. Take a large saucepan, place it over medium-high heat, pour in water, add chicken broth cubes and garlic and bring the mixture to boil.
  2. Stir in quinoa, switch heat to medium-low level, cover the pan with its lid and then simmer for 15 to 20 minutes until quinoa turned tender and have absorbed all the liquid.
  3. Meanwhile, take a large skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat, add 2 tablespoons of oil and when hot, add chicken, season it with salt and black pepper and cook for 5 to 7 minutes until thoroughly cooked. Set aside until required.
  4. When quinoa is done, remove garlic clove, fluff the quinoa with a fork and then transfer into a large bowl.
  5. Add chicken into the quinoa, add remaining ingredients, and then stir until well mixed.
  6. Serve straight away.

Penne with Shrimp

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:257.3
Cook Time:7 minutesFat (g):5.5
Total Time:12 minutesProtein (g):16.5

It is an Italian dish that is light and delicious. It is made with pasta and shrimp along with some veggies and cheese.


●   Penne pasta, whole-wheat8 oz (227 g)
●   Olive oil1 tablespoon
●   Minced garlic1 teaspoon
●   Dry white wine1 tablespoon
●   Cherry tomatoes, cut into wedges7 oz (198 g)
●   Shrimp, peeled, deveined, fresh7 oz (198 g)
●   Parmesan cheese, grated¼ cup
●   Parsley, chopped¼ cup


  1. Cook pasta according to the package instructions.
  2. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium heat, add oil and when hot, add garlic, shrimp, pour in the wine, and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Then add pasta, tomatoes, toss until mixed, then sprinkle cheese and parsley on top.
  4. Serve straight away.


Greek Red Lentil Soup

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:347
Cook Time:30 minutesFat (g):7
Total Time:40 minutesProtein (g):19

This is a Greek-style red lentil soup that is thick and rich. It is made of a tomato base, red lentils, and fresh herbs and spices.


Olive oil3 tablespoons
White onion, large, chopped1
Minced garlic1 ½ tablespoons
Carrots, chopped2
Oregano, dried3 teaspoons
Cumin1 ½ teaspoons
Rosemary1 teaspoon
Red pepper flakes½ teaspoon
Bay leaves, dry2
Crushed tomatoes1 cup
Vegetable broth7 cups
Red lentils, rinsed and drained2 cups
Salt1 teaspoon
Lemon, zested1
Lemons, juiced2


  1. Take a medium saucepan, place it over medium heat, add oil and when hot, add onion, garlic, and carrots, and then cook for 4 minutes.
  2. Add bay leaves, salt, and all the spices, stir until mixed, cook for 1 minute until fragrant, then add lentils and tomatoes, and pour in the broth.
  3. Stir until mixed, simmer the mixture for 20 minutes or more until lentils have thoroughly cooked and then remove the pan from heat.
  4. Let the soup cool for 5 minutes, then puree it by using an immersion blender until smooth and reheat the soup over medium heat until thoroughly warmed.
  5. Add lemon juice, and zest, stir until mixed, and then ladle soup into bowls.
  6. Drizzle some more oil into the soup and then serve.

Salmon Soup

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:340
Cook Time:25 minutesFat (g):11
Total Time:30 minutesProtein (g):33

This is an easy and light salmon soup made with potatoes and carrots.


Olive oil2 tablespoons
Minced garlic2 tablespoons
Dill, fresh, chopped1 teaspoon
Chicken broth5 cups
Potatoes, peeled, chopped into cubes8 oz (227 g)
Millet4 oz (113 g)
Carrot, peeled, chopped1
Oregano, dry1 teaspoon
Ground coriander¾ teaspoon
Cumin, ground½ teaspoon
Salt¾ teaspoon
Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
Salmon fillet, skinless, cut into small pieces1 lb (453 g)
Lemon, juiced, zested1


  1. Take a large pot, place it over medium-high heat, add oil, and when hot, add garlic and dill, cook for 30 seconds until fragrant, add carrots, millet, and potatoes. Pour in the broth, season the soup with salt, black pepper, and all the spices and then bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. Then switch heat to medium-low level and simmer the soup for 15 minutes or more until vegetables have turned tender.
  3. Then season salmon pieces with salt, add them into the pot, switch heat to lower level, and cook the soup for 10 minutes until thoroughly cooked and fork-tender.
  4. Add lemon juice and zest and then ladle soup into bowls.
  5. Serve soup with a piece of crusty bread.

Greek Black Eyed Peas

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:188
Cook Time:45 minutesFat (g):3
Total Time:50 minutesProtein (g):9

This is a Greek-style stew, packed with flavors and can feed an entire family. Fresh herbs and a splash of lime bring the flavors together.


Olive oil2 tablespoons
White onion, large, peeled, chopped1
Minced garlic2 teaspoons
Green bell pepper, cored, chopped1
Carrots, peeled and chopped3
Water2 cups
Bay leaf, dry1
Cumin, ground1 ½ teaspoon
Oregano, dry1 teaspoon
Paprika1/2 teaspoon
Salt1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
Red pepper flakes½ teaspoon
Black-eyed peas, cooked30 ounces (850 g)
Lime, juiced1
Chili pepper, chopped1


  1. Take a large pot, place it over medium heat, add oil, and when hot, add onion and garlic and cook for 5 minutes until tender.
  2. Add carrots and bell peppers, stir until mixed, and then cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Season with salt, black pepper, and all the spices, add bay leaf, pour in water, and bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Add peas, chili pepper, and boil for 5 minutes, then switch heat to the low-level and then simmer the soup for 30 minutes.
  5. Stir in lime juice, remove the pot from heat and then divide peas evenly among bowls.
  6. Serve with salad.

Baked Cod with Garlic and Lemon

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:318
Cook Time:16 minutesFat (g):18
Total Time:26 minutesProtein (g):23

This simple and quick recipe can easily become a regular in your dinner. Beautiful cod is seasoned with olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice to enhance the flavor.


Cod fillet pieces, about six pieces1 ½ lbs (680 g)
Olive oil2 tablespoons
Minced garlic2 ½ teaspoons
For Lemon Juice Mixture: 
Butter, unsalted, melted2 tablespoons
Lemon juice5 tablespoons
Olive oil5 tablespoons


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 400 degrees F (204°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, take a shallow dish, add butter, oil, and lemon juice in it, whisk until combined, and then set aside until required.
  3. Working on one fish piece at a time, dip it into lemon mixture. Repeat with the remaining pieces.
  4. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat, add oil and when hot, place fish pieces in it and then cook for 2 to 3 minutes per side until golden brown, don’t cook.
  5. When done, arrange fish pieces on a baking sheet.
  6. Add minced garlic into the dish containing the remaining lemon mixture, stir until mixed, and then drizzle over fish pieces.
  7. Bake fish pieces for 10 minutes until fork tender.
  8. Serve and enjoy!

Greek Chicken Souvlaki

Prep Time:2 h 10 mCalories:504
Cook Time:10 minutesFat (g):23
Total Time:2 h 20 mProtein (g):66

Present this juicy chicken dish at your table with beautiful dipping sauce.


●   Chicken breast, boneless, skinless2 ½ lbs (1 kg 134 g)
For the Marinade: 
●   Cloves of garlic, peeled10
●   Dried oregano2 tablespoons
●   Dried rosemary1 teaspoon
●   Paprika1 teaspoon
●   Salt1 teaspoon
●   Ground black pepper1 teaspoon
●   Olive oil¼ cup
●   Dry white wine¼ cup
●   Lemon, juiced1
●   Bay leaves2
For Serving: 
●   Pita Bread4
●   Tzatziki Sauce6 tablespoons
●   Sliced tomato1
●   White onion, peeled, sliced1
●   Kalamata olives, pitted, sliced½ cup


  1. Prepare the marinade and for this, place all of its ingredients in a food processor except for bay leaves and then pulse until well combined.
  2. Cut chicken into 1 ½ inches pieces, place them in a large bowl, top with blended marinade, toss until well coated, and then let it marinate for a minimum of 2 hours.
  3. When 45 minutes are left, take 12 wooden skewers and soak them in warm water.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare and arrange the ingredients for serving.
  5. When ready to cook, set the grill and then let it preheat over medium-high heat.
  6. Thread chicken pieces into wooden skewers, brush the grilling grate with oil, place chicken skewers on it and then cook for 3 to 4 minutes per side until nicely browned on all sides and cooked, brushing marinade frequently.
  7. When done, place chicken skewers on a plate and let them rest for 3 minutes.
  8. Meanwhile, warm the pita bread on the grill grate until thoroughly warmed.
  9. Working on one pita bread a time, spread 1 ½ tablespoon Tzatziki sauce on it, add chicken from two skewers and then top with tomato, onion, and olives. Prepare remaining pitas in the same manner and then serve.

Grilled Swordfish

Prep Time:23 minutesCalories:395
Cook Time:8 minutesFat (g):31
Total Time:31 minutesProtein (g):28

This is a Mediterranean-style swordfish recipe, which is light and delicious. It has the taste of olive oil, herbs, and spices.


Swordfish steaks4, each about 6 oz (170 g)
Cloves of garlic, peeled12
Olive oil1/3 cup
Lemon juice2 tablespoons
Coriander1 teaspoon
Cumin¾ teaspoon
Paprika1 teaspoon
Salt¾ teaspoon
Ground black pepper½ teaspoon


  1. Place garlic cloves in a food processor, add salt, black pepper, all the spices, lemon juice, and olive oil and then pulse for 3 minutes until the thick paste comes together.
  2. Place steaks in a dish, spread the blended marinade on both sides, and then let it rest for 15 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, set the grill and let it preheat at a high heat setting.
  4. When ready to cook, brush the grill grate with oil, place marinated steaks on it, and then cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Turn the steaks, continue cooking them for 3 minutes until cooked and fork-tender, and then transfer steaks to a plate.
  6. Drizzle some more lemon juice over steaks and then serve with potato.

Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:182
Cook Time:27 minutesFat (g):8
Total Time:37 minutesProtein (g):25


●   Feta cheese, crumbled½ cup
●   Spinach, fresh½ cup
●   Kalamata olives, pitted, quartered¼ cup
●   Chopped basil1 tablespoon
●   Chopped parsley1 tablespoon
●   Minced garlic1 teaspoon
●   Chicken breasts, skinless, boneless4, each about 8 oz (227g)
●   Salt¼ teaspoon
●   Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
●   Olive oil1 tablespoon
●   Lemon juice1 tablespoon


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 400 degrees F (204°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Take a medium bowl, place garlic, spinach, parsley, olives, basil, and feta cheese in it and then stir until mixed.
  3. Make a pocket into each chicken breast by making a horizontal slit, stuff each chicken with ¼ cup of feta cheese mixture, secure with toothpicks, and then season chicken with salt and black pepper.
  4. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat, add oil and when hot, place stuffed chicken in it and then cook for 2 minutes until golden.
  5. Turn each chicken, place it into the oven, and then bake for 25 minutes until the internal temperature of chicken reaches 165 degrees F (74°С).
  6. When done, drizzle lemon juice over chicken, remove the toothpick and then serve.

Greek Cauliflower Rice Bowls with Chicken

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:395
Cook Time:19 minutesFat (g):19
Total Time:29 minutesProtein (g):29

This salad can be made with or without chicken if you are a vegetarian. Filled with crunchy veggies and chicken, this dish can be made very easily.


●   Olive oil, divided4 tablespoons
●   Cauliflower rice4 cups
●   Onion, chopped1
●   Salt, divided¾ teaspoon
●   Parsley, fresh, chopped½ cup
●   Chicken breasts, boneless, skinless, chopped1 lb (453 g)
●   Ground black pepper, divided½ teaspoon
●   Lemon juice3 tablespoons
●   Dried oregano1 teaspoon
●   Tomatoes, cut into wedges1 cup
●   Red bell pepper, chopped1/3 cup
●   Yellow bell pepper, chopped¼ cup
●   Red chili pepper, chopped¼ cup
●   Celery, chopped¼ cup
●   White or green zucchini, chopped¼ cup


  1. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat, add 2 tablespoons of oil and when hot, add onion and cauliflower rice, season with ¼ teaspoon of salt, and then cook for 5 minutes until softened.
  2. Remove cauliflower rice from the pan and set aside.
  3. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat, add 2 tablespoons of oil, and when hot, add chicken. Season it with the remaining salt, black pepper, and oregano and cook for 5 to 7 minutes until thoroughly cooked.
  4. Then add celery, zucchini, red and yellow bell peppers, mix well and cook for another 2 minutes.
  5. When done, remove the pan from the heat, add chili and mix well. Let it sit for 5 minutes.
  6. Divide cauliflower rice evenly among four bowls, serve with the chicken mix, tomatoes, and parsley. Sprinkle with the lemon juice.

Chicken Parmesan Pasta

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:438
Cook Time:22 minutesFat (g):13
Total Time:32 minutesProtein (g):33

This one-pan recipe minimizes the effort and makes pasta making easy.


●   Olive oil2 tablespoons
●   Minced garlic1 tablespoon
●   Chicken breast, skinless, boneless, cut into ½-inch pieces1 lb (453 g)
●   Italian seasoning1 teaspoon
●   Salt¼ teaspoon
●   Chicken broth3 cups
●   Penne, whole-wheat8 oz (227 g)
●   Parmesan cheese, shredded¼ cup


  1. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat, add oil and when hot, stir in garlic, then add chicken pieces, salt, and Italian seasoning and then cook for 2 minutes until chicken is no longer pink.
  2. Add broth, and penne pasta into the pan, and then bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Switch heat to medium level and then cook for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. When done, sprinkle parmesan and then serve.

Mediterranean Chicken and Chickpea Soup

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:449
Cook Time:8 hoursFat (g):15
Total Time:8 h 10 mProtein (g):33


●   Chickpea, dried, soaked overnight1 ½ cups
●   Water4 cups
●   White onion, large, peeled, chopped1
●   Fire-roasted tomatoes, diced15 oz (425 g)
●   Tomato paste2 tablespoons
●   Chopped garlic2 tablespoons
●   Bay leaf1
●   Cumin, ground4 teaspoons
●   Paprika4 teaspoons
●   Cayenne pepper¼ teaspoon
●   Ground black pepper¼ teaspoon
●   Chicken breasts, skinless, chopped2 lbs (907 g)
●   Salt½ teaspoon
●   Cilantro, chopped¼ cup


  1. Place chickpeas in a slow cooker, pour in water, add remaining ingredients except for chicken, and salt and then stir until mixed.
  2. Add chicken, cover the slow cooker with its lid and then cook for 4 hours at high heat setting or 8 hours at low heat setting.
  3. Remove bay leaves from the sauce in the slow cooker, add salt, stir until mixed, and then ladle soup into bowls.
  4. Serve.

Chicken Piccata

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:382
Cook Time:13 minutesFat (g):19
Total Time:23 minutesProtein (g):38

This is an easy and quick chicken recipe that can easily become your favorite. Bring Italy to your dinner table using this meal.


Chicken breasts, boneless, skinless1 ½ lbs (680 g)
Salt1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper1 teaspoon
Whole-wheat flour1/3 cup
Butter, unsalted, divided3 tablespoons
Olive oil2 tablespoons
Chicken broth1 cup
Capers2 tablespoons


  1. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze juice from one half of the lemon, and then cut the other half of lemon into slices, set aside until required.
  2. Slice the chicken breasts in half lengthwise, season evenly with salt and black pepper, and then dredge into flour.
  3. Then take a large skillet pan, place it over medium-high heat, add oil and 2 tablespoons butter and when it melts, add chicken in a single layer and then cook for 3 minutes per side until golden brown.
  4. Transfer chicken pieces to a plate, cover it with foil and then repeat with the remaining chicken pieces.
  5. Then switch heat to medium level, stir in chicken broth, add capes, lemon juice, and lemon slices, stir and cook for 7 minutes.
  6. Stir in remaining butter until it melts, taste the sauce to adjust seasoning, and then ladle it over chicken.
  7. Serve straight away.

Greek Turkey Burgers

Prep Time:40 minutesCalories:389
Cook Time:10 minutesFat (g):13
Total Time:50 minutesProtein (g):40

These turkey burgers will go great with your favorite burger fillings. This recipe uses veggies and herbs that bring Mediterranean flavors to the table.


For the Patties: 
Ground turkey1 lb (453 g)
Spinach leaves, fresh, chopped½ cup
Sun-dried tomatoes, chopped1/3 cup
Red onion, minced¼ cup
Feta cheese, crumbled¼ cup
Minced garlic1 teaspoon
Egg, whisked1
Olive oil1 tablespoon
Dried oregano1 teaspoon
Salt½ teaspoon
Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
For Serving: 
Hamburger buns, whole-wheat4
Lettuce leaves4
Sliced red onion1
Tzatziki Sauce¾ cup


  1. Prepare the patties and for this, take a large bowl, place all the ingredients in it except for salt, oregano, oil, garlic, and egg and then stir until just mixed.
  2. Crack the egg in a small bowl, add garlic, oil, salt, and oregano, whisk until blended, and pour the mixture over turkey mixture and then mix until well combined.
  3. Shape the mixture into four patties, place them on a plate lined with parchment paper, and then refrigerate the patties for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  4. Then take a grill pan, place it over medium heat, grease it with oil and when hot, place the patties on it and then cook for 5 minutes per side until golden brown and thoroughly cooked.
  5. When done, layer each bun with a lettuce leaf, top with a patty and some onion slices, drizzle with the sauce and then serve.

Greek Chicken Soup with Lemon

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:261
Cook Time:19 minutesFat (g):8
Total Time:24 minutesProtein (g):32

Try this satisfying, rich, and filling Greek chicken soup that comes together within 30 minutes. Feel free to swap orzo with your favorite grains.


●   Olive oil1 tablespoon
●   Carrots, peeled, cubed¾ cup
●   Chopped white onion½ cup
●   Minced garlic2 teaspoons
●   Crushed red pepper¾ teaspoon
●   Chicken broth6 cups
●   Orzo, whole-wheat½ cup
●   Eggs3
●   Lemon juice¼ cup
●   Shredded rotisserie chicken3 cups
●   Salt1 ¼ teaspoons
●   Ground black pepper½ teaspoon
●   Chopped dill3 tablespoons


  1. Place a large pot over medium-high heat, add oil and when hot, add onion and carrots and then cook for 4 minutes or until softened.
  2. Stir in red pepper and garlic, cook for 1 minute until fragrant, and then pour in the broth.
  3. Stir until mixed, switch heat to a high level, and then bring the soup to a boil.
  4. Add orzo into the pot and then cook for 6-10 minutes until tender, uncovering the pot.
  5. Meanwhile, crack the eggs in a medium bowl, add lemon juice and whisk until frothy.
  6. When orzo has cooked, remove 1 cup of broth from the pot, gradually whisk it into the egg-lime mixture until eggs have tempered.
  7. Pour the egg-lemon mixture into the pot, stir until combined, and then switch heat to medium-low level.
  8. Add chicken into the soup, season with salt and black pepper, and continue cooking for 1 minute.
  9. Ladle soup into bowls, sprinkle with dill and then serve.

Shrimp Spaghetti

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:446
Cook Time:15 minutesFat (g):13
Total Time:20 minutesProtein (g):28

In this recipe, shrimp are served with a comforting sauce loaded with leeks and peas, making it a quick and impressive dinner. Serve it with the red wine.


●   Spaghetti, whole-grain8 oz (227 g)
●   Shrimp, peeled, deveined1 lb (453 g)
●   Ground black pepper¼ teaspoon
●   Salt¼ teaspoon
●   Olive oil1 ½ tablespoons
●   Minced garlic1 tablespoon
●   Cherry tomatoes, chopped2 cups
●   Lemon zest2 teaspoons
●   Lemon juice2 tablespoons
●   Parsley, chopped2 tablespoons


  1. Cook the pasta and for this, take a large pot half full with water, bring it to a boil over medium-high heat, then add spaghetti and cook for 7 to 10 minutes until tender.
  2. Drain the spaghetti, reserve ½ cup of the cooking liquid, and set aside until required.
  3. While spaghetti cooks, pat dry shrimp and then season them with salt and black pepper.
  4. Take a large skillet pan, place it over high heat, add ¾ tablespoon of oil and when hot, add seasoned shrimp and tomatoes in it and then cook for 3 minutes per side.
  5. Transfer shrimp and tomatoes to a plate and then keep them warm.
  6. Switch the heat to a medium-high level, add remaining oil into the pan and when hot, add garlic, shrimp, tomatoes, and pour in reserved cooking liquid along with lemon zest and juice, stir until mixed. Simmer for 3 minutes.
  7. Divide spaghetti evenly among four plates, top with shrimp. Sprinkle parsley on top.
  8. Serve.

Tuna Patties

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:286
Cook Time:10 minutesFat (g):13.7 g
Total Time:20 minutesProtein (g):32.8 g
Servings:6Carbs (g):11.2 g


Tuna, canned, drained4 ½ oz (128 g)
Breadcrumbs¾ cup
Onion, diced1/8 cup
Olive oil4 tablespoons
Lemon juice1 teaspoon
Celery, diced¼ cup
Ground black pepper¼ teaspoon
Dill, chopped¼ teaspoon


  1. Take a large bowl, place eggs and lemon juice in it. Beat and set aside.
  2. Take another large bowl, place all the remaining ingredients except for olive oil, and mix well.
  3. Pour in the egg mixture. Mix well.
  4. Then shape the tuna mixture into patties, each about ½-inch thick.
  5. Place a skillet pan over medium-high heat, add oil and when hot, add tuna patties and cook for 5 minutes per side or until nicely browned.
  6. Serve.


Balsamic Berries with Honey Yogurt

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:290
Cook Time:0 minutesFat (g):18
Total Time:10 minutesProtein (g):14.6


●   Blackberries¼ cup
●   Blueberries¼ cup
●   Raspberries¼ cup
●   Balsamic vinegar1 tablespoon
●   Greek yogurt1 ½ cup
●   Honey2 teaspoons


  1. Take a large bowl, pour vinegar in it, add all the berries, toss until coated with vinegar, and then let the berries sit for 10 minutes.
  2. Then take a small bowl, place honey in it, add yogurt and then whisk until combined.
  3. Divide yogurt honey mixture evenly among two bowls, top with berries, and then serve.

Yogurt and Honey Olive Oil Cake

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:260
Cook Time:55 minutesFat (g):12
Total Time:1h 5 mProtein (g):5

It’s sweetened with honey and has a beautiful crumb.


●   Greek yogurt1 cup
●   Olive oil2/3 cup
●   Honey2/3 cup
●   Lemon zest1 teaspoon
●   Eggs3
●   Whole-wheat flour1 ½ cups
●   Baking powder½ teaspoon
●   Baking soda½ teaspoon
●   Salt¼ teaspoon


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 325 degrees F (163°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, take a round cake pan, about 9-inch, line it with parchment paper, grease it with oil, and set aside until required.
  3. Take a large bowl, place yogurt in it, add honey, lemon zest, and oil and then whisk until combined.
  4. Whisk in eggs, one at a time, and then stir in flour, salt, baking soda, and powder until smooth batter comes together, don’t overmix.
  5. Spoon the batter into the prepared cake pan and then bake for 45 minutes until the top turns golden brown and insert a toothpick into the cake comes out clean.
  6. When done, transfer the pan onto a wire rack, cool it for 10 minutes, then take out the cake and cool it completely.
  7. Cut cake into slices and then serve.

Apple and Nuts with Whipped Yogurt

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:302
Cook Time:16 minutesFat (g):22
Total Time:21 minutesProtein (g):6

A nutty, fruity dessert, made with Mediterranean ingredients.


●   Greek yogurt1 cup
●   Heavy cream½ cup
●   Honey2 tablespoons
●   Butter, unsalted2 tablespoons
●   Ground cinnamon1/8 teaspoon
●   Apples, cored, cut into wedges2
●   Mixed nuts, chopped¼ cup


  1. Take a medium bowl, place yogurt and cream in it, add honey, and then use a hand mixer to beat vigorously until the mixture thickens.
  2. Take a large skillet pan, place it over medium heat, add butter and when it melts, add apple pieces, and then cook for 6 to 8 minutes until apples begin to soften.
  3. Then sprinkle the cinnamon, continue cooking for 3 minutes, then remove the pan from heat and let the apples sit for 5 minutes until slightly cooled.
  4. Divide yogurt-cream mixture evenly among four bowls, top with apples, and sprinkle with nuts and then serve.

Whole Grain Muffins with Citrus and Olive Oil

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:101
Cook Time:20 minutesFat (g):2
Total Time:30 minutesProtein (g):2.1

These are lightly sweetened, fluffy, and delicious muffins that will go great with afternoon tea or after-dinner dessert.


Whole-wheat flour1 ½ cups
Rolled oats¼ cup
Baking powder2 ½ teaspoons
Sea salt½ teaspoon
Cinnamon½ teaspoon
Olive oil1/3 cup
Orange juice, fresh1/3 cup
Almond milk1/3 cup
Maple syrup1/3 cup
Vanilla extract, unsweetened½ teaspoon
Orange zest½ tablespoon
Chopped almonds¼ cup


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 375 degrees F (190°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, take a medium bowl, place flour in it, add oats, salt, cinnamon, and baking powder and then stir until mixed.
  3. Take a separate medium bowl, crack the egg in it, add maple syrup, orange zest, and vanilla, pour in milk, orange juice, and olive oil and whisk until combined.
  4. Whisk milk mixture into the flour mixture until incorporated.
  5. Take a 12-cup muffin pan, scoop the batter in it, and fill evenly about ¾ full and then top with almonds.
  6. Bake the muffins for 16 to 20 minutes until the top turn golden brown and inserted toothpick into the muffins come out clean.
  7. When done, remove muffins from the pans, let them rest on the wire rack until cooled and then serve.

Baked Pears with Maple and Vanilla

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:179
Cook Time:25 minutesFat (g):2
Total Time:35 minutesProtein (g):0.8

A super simple, four-ingredient recipe.


Maple syrup½ cup
Ground cinnamon¼ teaspoon
Vanilla extract, unsweetened1 teaspoon


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 375 degrees F (190°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, cut each pear in half, core its seeds, and then cut a small sliver on the underside.
  3. Place the pear halves on a baking sheet, cut-side-up, and then sprinkle with cinnamon.
  4. Take a small bowl, place maple syrup in it, add vanilla and whisk until combined.
  5. Drizzle the maple syrup over pear halves, reserving 2 tablespoons, and then bake for 25 minutes until the pears turn tender, and its edges have turned light brown.
  6. When done, drizzle remaining maple syrup mixture over pears and serve.

Chocolate Mousse with Greek Yogurt

Prep Time:10 minutes + chilling timeCalories:282
Cook Time:5 minutesFat (g):18.2
Total Time:15 minutes + chilling timeProtein (g):5

It’s hard to believe this chocolate mousse is healthy, but it is. Made with Greek yogurt and a hint of vanilla, it will taste divine.


●   Coconut milk¾ cup
●   Dark Chocolate, grated3.5 oz (100 g)
●   Greek yogurt2 cups
●   Honey1 tablespoon
●   Vanilla extract, unsweetened½ teaspoon


  1. Take a medium saucepan, place it over medium heat, pour in milk, add chocolate, and cook for 3 to 4 minutes until chocolate has melted.
  2. Then add vanilla and honey into the milk and remove the pan from heat.
  3. Take a large bowl, place yogurt in it, add chocolate mixture, and then whisk until well mixed.
  4. Divide the mixture evenly among four ramekins and then chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  5. Garnish mousse with some berries and then serve.

Strawberry Popsicles

Prep Time:10 minutes + chilling timeCalories:100
Cook Time:0 minutesFat (g):1
Total Time:10 minutes + chilling timeProtein (g):4

These mouth-watering popsicles are easy to make and great to munch on. Healthy and sweet, it will fulfill your sugar cravings.


●   Strawberries, fresh, hulled2 ½ cups
●   Almond milk, unsweetened½ cup


  1. Place berries into a food processor, add milk and then blend until smooth.
  2. Pour the mixture evenly into eight Popsicle molds, place a Popsicle stick into each mold and then freeze for a minimum of 4 hours until frozen.
  3. Serve straight away.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Prep Time:5 minutes + freezing timeCalories:185
Cook Time:0 minutesFat (g):4
Total Time:5 minutes + freezing timeProtein (g):2

This mint chocolate chip ice cream is healthy, nourishing, and creamy. Plus, you don’t need an ice cream maker to prepare it.


●   Frozen banana4
●   Salt1/8 teaspoon
●   Peppermint extract, unsweetened¼ teaspoon
●   Coconut cream1 cup
●   Chocolate chips, sugar-free4 tablespoons


  1. Place all the ingredients for the ice cream in a blender and then pulse until smooth.
  2. Spoon it into a freezer-proof container, cover with its lid and then freeze for a minimum of 4 hours until firm.
  3. When ready to eat, let the ice cream rest for 30 minutes until slightly soft, scoop ice cream into bowls and then serve.

Chocolate and Avocado Pudding

Prep Time:5 minutesCalories:401
Cook Time:5 minutesFat (g):26
Total Time:10 minutesProtein (g):5

If you want something quick to satisfy your sweet craving, then chocolate and avocado pudding is the best to try. Serve it with your favorite toppings.


Avocado, large, chilled2
Cocoa powder1/3 cup
Maple syrup1/3 cup
Vanilla extract, unsweetened2 teaspoons
Coconut milk, full-fat, unsweetened½ cup
Hazelnuts, chopped2 tablespoons
Sea salt¼ teaspoon


  1. Cut each avocado in half, remove its pit and then transfer the flesh into a blender or a food processor.
  2. Add cocoa powder, maple syrup, vanilla, and coconut milk and then blend until smooth.
  3. Divide pudding evenly among four bowls, top each bowl with ½ tablespoon of nuts, sprinkle with 1/16 teaspoon of salt, and then serve.

Matcha and Blueberry Crisp

Prep Time:10 minutesCalories:136.4
Cook Time:25 minutesFat (g):5.2
Total Time:35 minutesProtein (g):2.5

If you are a fan of matcha (powdered green tea), then this recipe is a great way to enjoy it as a dessert. Bake it for a party or a big family dinner and impress your guests with it.


Blueberries, fresh10 oz (283 g)
Arrowroot powder2 teaspoons
Cornmeal1 cup
Almond meal½ cup
Shredded coconut, unsweetened1/3 cup
Ground cinnamon¼ teaspoon
Vanilla extract, unsweetened1 teaspoon
Coconut oil, melted1/3 cup
Maple syrup1/3 cup
Matcha powder1 teaspoon


  1. Switch on the oven, then set it to 350 degrees F (177°С) and let it preheat.
  2. Meanwhile, take a 9-inch pie dish in an oval shape, place blueberries in it, stir in arrowroot powder, and spread evenly.
  3. Take a large bowl, place remaining ingredients in it, stir until well combined, and then spread the mixture evenly over berries.
  4. Place the pie dish into the oven, bake for 25 minutes or more until the top begins to brown, switch off the oven and then let the crisp rest for 30 minutes in it.
  5. Serve straight away.


People live very unhealthily, and the only way to change is to inspire these people to take their health seriously. Education is a must, but they also need to be taught by example and be shown that it is not difficult and is worth it. Following this diet will not tax a person’s energy or emotion; they will not be limited to eat a few amounts of food. Instead, the diet encourages eating until appetite is filled and receiving good nutrition and energy from healthy sources that do not have side effects.

Making a lifestyle change is a difficult choice but necessary if you want to reap the benefits of almost five decades of research.

I wish luck to anyone who has chosen to walk down the self-improvement path and have decided to follow the diet.

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